I often come across this phrase courtesy friends, ‘the one’ and initially I failed to contemplate that what exactly was it meant by the one. Then with the passage of time even I joined the pursuit of the one; that one person whom I thought I loved like I could love no one else. With age I got wiser and realised that ‘The One’ is not an absolute entity or person. It is a variable with respect to the circumstances. True to my form I came to this conclusion with the help of economics…..yes love and economics!!! Who would have thought!
But on deeper levels these two are the best entities to assert and establish. In economics, the first thing they taught me was to respect the resources, optimally use it, make the best of it…..why? Because it is scarce!!! In life we also run short of people to choose ‘The One’ from. Probably this very fact makes us very vulnerable to people coming in our lives. Probably this is why we often find ourselves behaving like compulsive gullible idiots. Like economics in life we have several constraints working against our forecasts, the carefully woven plans over ages, after reading endless romantics novels, watching numerous romcoms. These constraints can be of varied nature sometimes initiated by the other person or sometimes by us. The nature of human psychology also has a play in this, it is not necessary that the other person thinks along the lines of our thoughts. This is the inception of differences and the point from where our proverbial dreams crash. This is where love differs from economics. A true economist knows that even if the resources are scarce, he has options and he will pedantically calculate the opportunity cost of all the available options. I guess we cannot be that assertive when it come to ‘The One’. I guess that is what preserves the beauty of falling (or rising) in love. The oblivion, the anticipation, the thrill, the climax and often the anti climax as well. I don’t know, as I am one hopeless romantic and unlike my true self of being a compulsive seeker of answers, I would like this mystery to be a mystery. As mysteries unfolding have a maddening intoxication, at least i feel that way.
Every coin has two sides but love is like a Rubik’s cube, it takes forever to decipher the pattern, you never know what the next move is going to imply, it might solve the problem further or it might jumble up the puzzle even more. The part of not knowing is fun and that has made the pursuit for ‘The One’ more popular than economics I believe. But then, who am I but a silly girl who has been reading too much Nicholas Sparks and watching too much romcoms or romedies as I know them. So, do not worry, ‘The One’ will come and he/she will create magic, the proverbial kind of course!!! You just have to wait and yes please do not keep a stop clock and also don’t hold your breath.