Canada is the world’s second largest country by area! The USA is 4th, Australia 6th, India 7th, Mexico 14th, Egypt 30th, France 43rd, Spain 52nd, Morocco 58th, Norway 68th, UK 80th, Nepal 95th, Belgium, 140th, Qatar 164th…
In contrast, Canada is only the 37th largest country by population! India is 2nd, USA 3rd, Bangladesh 8th, Mexico 11th, Egypt 15th, France 21st, UK 22nd…
Being so large, Canada has many different climates and conditions (not to mention time zones…six!), and many different landscapes. And being so underpopulated means there is a lot of natural, wild, untouched land!
Here where I live, in Drummondville, Quebec (not my birth province), each year I am amazed, even after being here since 1989, how quickly the seasons change! I joke that we go from bikinis to boots in a day!
This area is very humid, year round. The temperatures with the humidity factored in, range from +45C in the summer durring massive heatwaves, to -45C in the winter in an extreme cold snap.
All of Canada becomes an explosion of colors in the Fall, when the leaves change colors, due to the shortening daylight, which is a signal to the trees to begin preparing for our long winters.
People come from all around the world each year to witness and photograph the beauty! I see it as Mother Nature going-out in a blaze of glory.
One of the funniest reactions I have had so far to any one of my photos, came last year, from a dear friend in India, Souvik Nandi. Suddenly, one morning, gone were the beautiful flower/insect macros, as we woke-up blanketed by the years first layer of snow. It was a quite significant snowstorm, and my friend’s reaction was…..”What the hell?” (he does not swear or speak harshly usually), and after seeing a couple more photos…he said, “so it has begun”!!! I laughed so hard! I still do!!!
Please understand, although this is totally normal for me, and was by our standards, a normal snowfall (to be called a snowstorm a minimum of 30cm must fall), but I have many friends in countries where there is little, to no snow at all!!!
Since the last couple of days, when I have been out on photo walks, I have noticed, the leaves are beginning to change! And here in this area, the change will happen very quickly, due to the drastic temperature changes we will begin having.
So this year, I am inspired to write this, and offer my first photos of this years Autumn Foliage. I will do my best to offer the most beautiful sights I can to all, before we fall into the long, long winter. And to warn my poor friends, that the snow is on its way here! Hahahaha.
I hope you all will enjoy.
My photos can be seen on my facebook photography page:
I am also on Pixoto, 500px, Instagram, Viewbug, flikr.
~Kimberley-Ann FitzGerald