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Digitography is the art of using digital photography and photo editing software to create works of art that are interesting and visually delightful.

Fowl Fight: This is a digitally edited image of a flower to give effect of a pair of Roosters engaged in a fight.
Martian Light: The Light emerging from a TV screen was digitally mutated to arrive at this result !
Luminescent Glass : The Light from a TV screen was metamorphosed into a luminescent screen digitally
Comma : A speck of light was swirled digitally to become a comma!
Curve in Curve : An eroded version of the comma
Copulation: An expanded and elongated version of the Comma
Fetus: In curled version of the comma symbolizes the fetus in a womb.
Setting sun..rising moon : Colorized and digitally manipulated comma to get the graphic of setting sun and rising moon.
Ballet Dancers : Digital modification of the comma to get the feel of ballet a couple of dancers in action.
Whirl Pool : Digitally adjusted version of a flower to get the feel of a whirl pool.

Camera used: Sony cybershot digital camera

Editing software: Photoscape

Thank You !

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