alive 2013 (full movie) a souradeepta chowdhury film

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surrealist silent short film about a woman that deals with her lover’s suicide through performing a ritual that she believes could undo the sin of killing oneself.a Souradeepta Chowdhury Film.rockrulz production pictures in association with fotografica.

Starring: Debleena Chakraborty & Sourav Ghosal
Production: Rockrulz production in association with fotografica

A young age film maker from Bengal started filming since 2007. He tries to establish a recent theme through his camera frame. Before he tried to mix-up images with music and environment he finished his first debut in 2007. A short docu fiction regarding terrorism act, the movie duration was 30 mins and since he started to make such films which are based on human relationship. “I took time to a make film, because day to day the experiences enriched me and my film also.” Said Souradeepta Chowdhury.
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  • Sagiruddin Mondal

    ve enjoyed ! Wanna see more of ur works :)